Hao Du
last updated: June 10, 2007 4:11 PM
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Ensuring color consistency across Multiple Cameras
A Ilie, G Welch- ICCV 2005
Gretag Macbeth Colorchecker,
The RGB responces of 8 cameras capturing the colorchecker,
Step1: Hardware Calibration. (coarse calibration)
Consider a target RGB values of the colorcheker as reference. (perhaps the standard responses of the colorchecker or a specified digital camera).
We obtaine the result by minimizing a cost functions under a defined transform.
Step2: Software based refinement. (fine calibration for color consistency)
Let the averaged RGB values of all the considered cameras as the target. Minimize the same cost function, and get the final result.
Possible transforms include,
(1) Linear Least Sqaures Matching;
(2) RGB to RGBTransform
(3) General Polynomial Transform